Our People

At Twin Lakes, we are more than just a farm…

We’re family.

We’re a forth-generation farming family who do what we love and do it well. That’s because we’ve all experienced life on the farm – from waking up before dawn to feed our sheep, to harvesting crisp heads of broccoli well after sunset – and continue to inspire the next generation of Ipsen farmers to do the same.

We’re community.

Our community is just an extension of our family. We work with a team of dedicated locals to grow and sell our produce – just one of many ways we try to help our little South West community prosper.

We’re hands-on.

You’ve probably met us before. We’re the ones at the farmers’ markets selling our produce to you; fresh from harvest, dirt still on our hands. We’re producers as well as sellers, and that’s because we believe it’s easier to sell a product when you have cared for it, and know everything about it.

We’re farmers.

Want to know exactly how our broccoli is grown? Just ask one of our in-the-paddock farmers, who can tell you everything from what nutrients goes into our soil to what time that box of hand-picked broccoli you’re about to buy was harvested.

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